Sunday, April 5, 2009

9. A Member Lives Out Driscoll's Version of "What a Woman Should Be"

This Post,

9. A Member Lives Out Driscoll's Version of "What a Woman Should Be"

Moved to:


  1. That is hideous. I had no idea that was Mars Hill stance.

    The thing that concerns me is that this woman thinks God wants her to populate the world with Christians when actually it does not sound as if having lots of children is really her temperament (which is God given). When she finds out that such a way of life is killing her inwardly, she may as others have done, then decide Christianity is a cult and walk away from everything.

    I do hope someone is reaching out to explain to her that that is not God's way. Jesus came to set us free not bind us up.

  2. Thank you for your comment. I will copy it to my newer site:

    and will respond to it later.
